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Introduction to the camerino
Virtual Reality reconstruction of the camerino
Bellini's Feast of the Gods
Titian's Worship of Venus
Dosso's Bacchanal of Men
Scenes from the Aeneid
Titian's Bacchus and Ariadne
Titian's the Andrians
 Bacchanal of Men
by Dosso Dossi (ca. 1520)

THE FIFTH bacchanal in Alfonso’s camerino was identified as Dossi’s Bacchanal of Men, now lost. To complete the re-creation of the Camerino, we substitute Bacchanal, 1515-20 by Dosso and Battista Dossi, previously identified as the fifth canvas, this now known to be incorrect.

(Unlike the other paintings in the Camerino, this Bacchanal tells no story identifiable with mythology.)

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