van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(January 1881)
... to extremes that they resigned. As you vaguely spoke to me some time ago about coming to Paris, I must tell you that I wish no better than to go someday soon, provided I were sure of finding some work there which would give me a salary of at least 100 fr. a month. I must also tell you that as I have begun to draw, I do not intend to drop it, so I will try chiefly to get on in that line. Not only does drawing figures and scenes from life demand a knowledge of the technique of drawing, but it also demands profound studies of literature, physiognomy, etc., which are difficult to acquire. Enough for today; write me when you have a moment to spare, and believe me, with a handshake, Yours sincerely, Vincent 72 Bd. du Midi Someday I hope to go to see Mr. Horta. Sketches enclosed with letter: “Devant les Tisons” and “En Route” ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(12 April 1881)
... thought. Yours truly, Vincent I am sending you three krabbelingen [scrawls] which are clumsy as yet, but from which you will see, I hope, that I am gradually improving. You should take into account that it is only a short time since I started drawing, although I made little sketches when I was a boy. And that during this winter I thought it most important to make rigidly accurate anatomical studies, not my own compositions. ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(early April 1882)
... either a blacksmith or a physician. I remember quite well, now that you write about it, that at the time when you spoke of my becoming a painter, I thought it very impractical and would not hear of it. What made me stop doubting was reading a clear book on perspective, Cassange's Guide to the ABC of Drawing; and a week later I drew the interior of a kitchen with stove, chair, table and window - in their places and on their legs - whereas before it had seemed to me that getting depth and the right perspective into a drawing was witchcraft or pure chance. If only you drew one thing right, you would feel an irresistible longing to draw a thousand other things. But one sheep has to cross the bridge to get the others to follow. If a painter seized you by the arm and said, Look, Theo, you must draw that field like this: the lines of the furrows go this way, for such and such reasons and no other; they are brought into perspective this way. And that pollard willow being...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(12 or 13 May 1882)
... What I wanted to say to you again is this: I have no great plans for the future; if momentarily I feel rising within me the desire for a life without care, for prosperity, each time I go fondly back to the trouble and the cares, to a life full of hardship, and think, It is better this way; I learn more from it, it does not degrade me, this is not the road on which one perishes. I am absorbed in my work and I have confidence enough so that with the help of such as you, Mauve, Tersteeg - though we disagreed last winter - I will succeed in earning enough to keep myself, not in luxury, but as one who eats his bread in the sweat of his brow. Christine is not a hindrance or a trouble to me, but a help. If she were alone, perhaps she would succumb; a woman must not be alone in a society and during a time like the one in which we live, which does not spare the weak but treads them underfoot, and crushes a weak woman under its wheels when she has fallen down. Therefore,...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 2 or 3 November 1882)
... consult about what we can do with it. I think it possible that within a relatively short time there will perhaps be a greater demand for illustrators than there is at present. As for me, if I fill my portfolios with studies from every model I can get hold of, I will have enough of a skill to hope to get employment. To keep illustrating, as did for instance Morin, Lançon, Renouard, Jules Ferat, Worms in their times, one needs quite a lot of ammunition, in the form of different studies of all kinds of subjects. Those I try to get together, as you know, and as you will see when you come. By the by, I have not so far received the package of studies, which according to your letter you returned to me via the Rue Chaptal. Do you think they have already arrived at the Plaats? If you think so I will send for them, as they will be of use to me in connection with things which I have recently produced. Do you know whose portrait I drew this morning? Blok,...

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