van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(17 April 1876)
Dear Theo, I arrived here safely yesterday, at about one in the afternoon. The first thing that struck me was that the windows of this not so very big school look out onto the sea. It is a boarding school, and there are twenty-four boys from ten to fourteen years old. Mr. Stokes is on a trip for a few days, and so I haven't seen him yet. They expect him this evening. There is another assistant teacher seventeen years old. Last night and this morning, we all went for a walk along the seashore. Enclosed is a spray of seaweed. On the waterfront, most of the houses are built of yellow brick in the style of those in Nassaulaan in The Hague, but they are higher and have gardens full of cedars and evergreen trees of a somber green. Dikes of stone, upon which you can walk, protect the harbour, where all sorts of ships are tied up. Yesterday everything was grey. By and by I shall go and unpack my trunks, which have just been delivered, and I am going to hang some prints in my room. The holidays are not yet over, so I have not ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(21 April 1876)
... make a sandcastle, like we used to make in the garden at ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(31 May 1876)
Dear Theo, Bravo on going to Etten May 21, so happily four of the six children were at home. Father wrote to me at length how everything went on the day. Thanks also for your last letter. Did I write to you about the storm I watched recently? The sea was yellowish, especially close to the shore. On the horizon a streak of light, and above it immensely large dark grey clouds, from which one could see the rain coming down in slanting streaks. The wind blew the dust from the little white path among the rocks into the sea and shook the hawthorn bushes in bloom and the wallflowers that grow on the rocks. To the right, fields of young green corn, and in the distance the town, which, with its towers, mills, slate roofs, Gothic-style houses and the harbor below, between two jetties sticking out into the sea, looked like the towns Albrecht Dürer used to etch. I watched the sea last Sunday night as well. Everything was dark grey, but on the horizon the day was beginning to break. It was still very early and yet a skylark was ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(17 June 1876)
... Christ in the Garden of Olives, Mater Dolorosa, etc. not ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(5 July 1876)
Dear Theo, The time may come when I shall look back with a certain melancholy on the “fleshpots of Egypt,” connected with other situations - that is, the bigger salaries and the higher worldly esteem - this I foresee. There is indeed “plenty of bread” in the houses that I shall enter if I continue along the road which I have taken, but there is not plenty of money. And yet I see a light in the distance so clearly; if that light disappears now and then, it is generally my own fault. It is very doubtful whether I shall make great progress in this profession, whether the six years spent in the house of Messrs. Goupil and Co., - during which time I ought to have prepared myself for this profession - will not always remain an insuperable obstacle. However, I think I cannot now draw back in any way, even if a part of me should wish to (later on - at present this is not the case). Lately it has seemed to me that there are no professions in the world other than those of ...

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