van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 35 letters relate to art - influences...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard
(18 March 1888)
... the sun and colour that exist in the Midi. If the Japanese are not working in their country it is certain that their art continues in France. At the top of this letter I am sending you a small sketch of a study that I am trying to make something of - sailors...
Brief van Vincent van Gogh naar Wilhelmina van Gogh
(30 March 1888)
... in de tropische landen zullen gaan werken. Ge kunt U wel een begrip maken van de verandering in de schilderijen als ge nog wat dat b.v. denkt aan de kleurige Japansche voorstellingen die men overal ziet landschappen en figuren. Theo en ik hebben honderen ventie...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Wilhelmina van Gogh
(30 March 1888)
... painters will go and work in tropical countries. You will be able to get an idea of the revolution of painting when you think, for instance, of the brightly coloured Japanese pictures that one sees everywhere, landscapes and figures. Theo and I have hundreds of...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(5 June 1888)
... ones who have praised the stuff. About this staying on in the South, even if it is more expensive, consider: we like Japanese painting, we have felt its influence, all the impressionists have that in common; then why not go to Japan, that is to say to the...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard
(6-11 June 1888)
... that of green and red, for example. The Japanese make use of it for that matter. They express the mat and pale complexion of a young girl and the piquant contrast of the black hair marvellously well by means of white paper and four strokes of the pen. Not...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(12 or 13 June 1888)
... South, and nobody could argue with that. I must try to achieve the solidity of colour that I got in that picture that kills the rest. I remember what Portier used to say, that his Cézannes, seen by themselves, looked like nothing on earth, but that when...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard
(23 June 1888)
... to subordinate my life to painting. If I were at the Louvre with you, what I should very much like would be to go and see the primitives in your company. I still go, full of love, to look at the Dutch in the Louvre, Rembrandt first, Rembrandt, whom I used...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(8 July 1888)
... I am going to see him this afternoon. I read that Bing is giving a Japanese exhibition and publishing a review on Japanese art. Have you seen it? I find it dreadful sometimes not to be able to get hold of another batch of Japanese prints. Then better try...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(15 July 1888)
... are quite different things still. Loti's book Mme. Crysanthème taught me this much: the rooms there are bare, without decoration or ornaments. And that very thing wakened my interest in the excessively synthetic drawings of another period, which probably...

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