van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 4 letters relate to health - symptoms...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(7 January 1889)
... the sick that one learns how to live. I hope I have just had simply an artist's fit, and then a lot of fever after very considerable loss of blood, as an artery was severed; but
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 15 March 1890)
... try to write, it will come little by little, the thing is that my head is so bad, without pain it is true, but altogether stupefied. I must tell you that there are, as far as I can judge, others who have the same thing wrong with them that I have, and...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to his mother
(c. 10-14 July 1890)
... brieven, die mij recht veel genoegen deden. Tegenwoordig voel ik me kalmer dan verleden jaar en werkelijk de onrust in mijn hoofd is zoo veel bedaard. Ik heb trouwens wel altijd dat geloofd dat het terugzien van de omgeving van vroeger dat zou uitwerken....
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to his mother
(c. 10-14 July 1890)
... which gave me a great deal of pleasure. For the present I am feeling much calmer than last year, and really the restlessness in my head has greatly quieted down. In fact, I have always believed that seeing the surroundings of the old days would have this ...

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