van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 6 letters relate to psychology - agoraphobia...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Paul Gauguin
(c. 17 June 1890)
... my return I have thought of you every day. I stayed in Paris only three days, and the noise, etc., of Paris had such a bad effect on me that I thought it wise for my head's sake to fly to the country; but for that, I should soon have dropped in on you. And it gives me enormous pleasure when you say the Arlésienne's portrait , which was based strictly on your drawing, is to your liking. I tried to be religiously faithful to your drawing, while nevertheless taking the liberty of interpreting through the medium of colour the sober character and the style of the drawing in question. It is a synthesis of the Arlésiennes, if you like; as syntheses of the Arlésiennes are rare, take this as a work belonging to you and me as a summary of our months of work together. For my part I paid for doing it with another month of illness, but I also know that it is a canvas which will be understood by you, and by a very few others, as we would wish it to be understood....

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