Relevant paintings:  "L'Arlesienne (Madame Ginoux)," Vincent van Gogh [Enlarge]
St.-Rémy, 29 January 1889.
St.-Rémy, 26 May 1889.
In reply to your letter of the 23rd inst., I am
pleased to tell you that since his entry into this house M.
Vincent is completely calm and that he finds that his health is
improving day by day. he also
eats with a better appetite.
To sum up: since his arrival here there has been a slight
improvement in his condition which makes him hope for a
complete recovery.
He spends the entire day drawing in the park here, but as I
find him entirely tranquil, I have promised to let him go out
in order to find scenery outside this establishment.
You ask for my opinion regarding the probable cause of his
illness. I must tell you that for the time being I will not
make any prognosis, but I fear that it may be serious, as I
have every reason to believe that the attack which he has had
is the result of a state of epilepsy and if this should be
confirmed one should be concerned about the future.
I hope to go to Paris in the course of June. It will be an
honour to come and see you and talk to you about your patient
better than one can do by letter…
St.-Rémy, 24 February 1890.
I again confirm receiving the registered letter addressed to
M. Vincent. I do not believe he gives himself over to any excess
when he is at liberty, for I have always known him sober and
reserved. However, I am forced to recognize the fact that each
time he undertakes a little journey he becomes ill. It will
only be for a few days and he will regain his sanity as
[Postscript] I have had to send two men with a carriage to
fetch him from Arles, and it is not known where he spent the
night from Saturday to Sunday. He had taken with him a painting
of an Arlésienne, but it has not been found.
At this time, Vincent was 36 year oldSource: Dr. T. Peyron. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Written 1889 - 1890 in St.-Rémy. Translated by Robert Harrison, edited by Robert Harrison, number . URL:
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