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Lotto's "Husband and wife": Problems with rug design
Hockney and Falco analyze Lotto's "Husband and wife" -- the "Rosetta stone" of their theory. Christopher Tyler has shown that had Lotto followed the steps claimed by Hockney and Falco then the carpet in the scene would have had to have had an implausible asymmetric design, as shown here. Clearly this design is extremely unlikely, and this along with other analyses by Tyler involving the "blur" in the painting, allows us to rule out the Hockney/Falco explanation for this painting. Tyler attributes the perspective anomalies in the painting to Lotto's "eyeballing," and I concur.
Summary: Christopher Tyler has exposed some awkward implications of the Hockney and Falco account of the painting of Lotto's "Husband and wife," such as the implied carpet design, among others.
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