van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Anthon van Rappard
(21-28 March 1883)
... window at a landscape in the snow. I have found the “black mountain crayon” I wrote you about here in this city too; it is something which was virtually unknown to me until recently. But now I discover that it is not so rare - and perhaps you know it, and have it already. If not, I think it a suitable material for finishing drawings up. Adieu, old fellow, a handshake in thought - write soon and believe me, Ever yours, Vincent See letter 274 to Theo. ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(30 and 1 March-April 1883)
... and White” exhibition. I received the crayon - many thanks - it is very good. But it is softer than the kind you gave me the first time, and the pieces are half as long. I am still anxious to get that harder kind in larger pieces, but nevertheless I'm very glad to have this. I made a large drawing with it combined with lithographic crayon. It is a drawing of a digger - my model was the little old almshouse man you know already - his bald head, bent over the black earth, seemed to me full of a certain significance, reminiscent, for instance, of “thou shalt eat thy bread in the sweat of thy brow.” Now these drawings of the woman with the spade [JH 337] and this digger have such an aspect that people won't think they are made in some intricate way, but rather won't think about how they are made at all. But I believe that if I had made them with ordinary conté pencil, they would have got a dull and ironlike aspect, which would have made people...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(2 April 1883)
... brothers - is this your opinion too? Lately I have been working with printer's ink, which is diluted with turpentine and applied with a brush. It gives very deep tones of black. Diluted with some Chinese white, it also gives good greys. By adding more or less turpentine, one can even wash it in very thinly. I think it will give good results on that paper Buhot gave you. Sometime when you are here we'll talk that matter over, and I will show you drawings that might be made on it. A year ago it puzzled me, how to get some very deep tones of black, but I found a few of them in the printer's office. So now I can penetrate a little further into seeking for plastic effects and chiaroscuro. Thanks for the good wishes on my birthday. It happened to be a very pleasant day, as I just had an excellent model for a digger. One thing I can assure you of, the work gets more and more stimulating, and it gives me, so to speak, more vitality; and then I always think of you, because...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Anthon van Rappard
(c. 2-4 April 1883)
... tried out the other day. 1 It goes without saying that the printer's ink - diluted with more or less turpentine (you can dilute it until it is so thin that you can wash with it with the utmost transparency - on the other hand, one can use it in so thick a condition that one gets the deepest black tones) - is the principal ingredient you use. I think this is a method with which much can be done. Well, more about it later on - I am still experimenting myself. The drawing I am working on now with this method is an orphan man standing near a coffin - in what they call the “corpses' den.” Adieu, with a handshake, and thanks again for what you sent me, Ever yours, Vincent It stands to reason that, in order to simplify things, you could experiment with printers' ink and turpentine only. This time, however, I don't mean autographic ink, but ordinary printer's ink. Perhaps you have it already, otherwise you can get it at any...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 11 April 1883)
... lot. But now about the drawings. I have again done a few with printer's ink, and this week I made some experiments in mixing that printer's ink with white. I found out that it can be mixed in two ways - that is, with the white from the tubes of oil paint and, probably even better, with the ordinary powdered zinc white which can be obtained at any drugstore; it must be diluted with turpentine, which doesn't soak into this paper or cause spots on the back like oil does, because it dries quickly and disappears. One gets much stronger effects working with printer's ink than with ordinary ink. How beautiful Jules Dupré's work is. In Goupil's show window I saw a small marine which you are sure to know. I went to look at it nearly every evening. But you are perhaps somewhat blasé about Dupré and similar works of art, which one sees so much more in Paris than here; you do not know what a beautiful impression it makes here, where one sees so very little...

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