van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 61 letters relate to art - materials or contain ...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(19 August 1882)
... gives me a new, fresh view of things. The next time you send money, I shall buy some good marten brushes, which are the real drawing brushes, as I have discovered, for drawing a hand or a profile in colour. Also, I see they are absolutely necessary...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Anthon van Rappard
(18-19 September 1882)
... man from the almshouse posing for me. Now it is really high time I returned Karl Robert's Le fusain to you. I have read it through more than once, but fusain [charcoal] does not come easily to me, and I prefer to work with a carpenter's pencil. I wish I could...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 10 October 1882)
... Dear Theo, Your letter and its contents, literary as well as financial, were very welcome, and I thank you warmly for it. In the first place, I was especially glad to hear that perhaps it will not be so very long before you come to Holland again. I should like very much to know as soon...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(31 and 2 Dec-Jan 1882)
... because it cuts through it. But it occurred to me to make a drawing first with carpenter's pencil and then to work in and over it with lithographic crayon, which (because of the greasiness of the material) fixes the pencil, a thing ordinary crayon...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 2 March 1883)
... accentuate the lights with Chinese white. Do you remember that last summer you brought me pieces of mountain crayon? I tried to work with it at the time, but it didn't work well. So a few pieces were left, which I picked up the other day; enclosed you'll find...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 4 March 1883)
... effect of the windows in the studio. Will you do me a very great favour - send me a few pieces of that crayon by mail? There is a soul and life in that crayon - I think conté pencil is dead. Two violins may look the same on the outside,...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Anthon van Rappard
(c. 5 March 1883)
... rather expensive: 1.75 guilders per sheet. The lithographic crayon - likewise made expressly for this paper - is more expensive than the ordinary kind, and in my opinion much worse than the crayon that is not expressly made for it. Autographic ink, liquid...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(11 March 1883)
... are least expensive so much despised? As to the crayon, I do not know whether the one you gave me came from the Plaats, but I am quite sure that you gave it to me on your visit of last summer, or perhaps when I was still in Etten. In a drug store I found...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 21 March 1883)
... that one can find the same effect again. I'm very glad to hear you found the crayon. It didn't arrive in today's mail, however, though you wrote you had sent it. If you have forgotten it, I remind you of it again, and if you have already sent it, it will certainly...

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