Relevant paintings: ![](/vangogh/data/thumbs/Vincent/Arles/F0407.jpg) "Path through a Field with Willows," Vincent van Gogh [Enlarge]
![](/vangogh/data/thumbs/Vincent/Arles/F1499.jpg) "Landscapw with path and pollarded trees," Vincent van Gogh [Enlarge]
My dear Theo,
I am writing you a second time today because when I tried to
settle my bill at the hotel I stay at, I had still another
proof of how I've been swindled.
I suggested coming to an agreement, they wouldn't hear of
it, and when I wanted to take away my things, they would not
let me.
And that was that, but I told them that I would have it out
with them before the magistrate: but perhaps the judgement will
go against me. Only now, you see, in case it goes against me I
must keep enough to pay 67.40 Fr. instead of the 40 which I owe
them. So you see I dare not buy my mattress and must go and
sleep in some other hotel. But I would like to ask you to let
me have enough to buy my mattress all the same.
What often worries me here is that it is more expensive than
I had calculated, and that I cannot manage to get along on the
same money as Bernard and Gauguin do in Brittany. But all the
same, now that I am feeling better, I won't give in; and
besides, if I had had the health I hope to recover here, this
and lots of other things would not have happened to me. The
case would have been on its way already if I had not been
bothered all day.
I keep thinking that you have got nothing out of my work yet
and that I have already spent such a lot of money.
I am sending you in the case all the studies I have except a
few that I have destroyed, but I am not signing them all; there
are a dozen that I have taken off the stretchers and 14 on
There is a little landscape with a hovel, white, red, and
green, and a cypress beside it; you have the
drawing of it, and I did the whole painting
of it in the house. This will show you that, if you like, I can
make little pictures like the Japanese prints of all these
drawings. But we can talk about that when you have seen
At the moment it is a nuisance that I am practically
compelled to take the step of staying at the studio, but in the
end it will mean greater quiet for my work.
Now that the first studies are gone, I'm beginning another
I explained all this business to you in the letters that are
still in Paris.
It had been my intention to stay with these people until I
was ready. But it doesn't matter.
I want to get my case forwarded today.
I hope you will write soon.
Ever yours, Vincent
At this time, Vincent was 35 year oldSource: Vincent van Gogh. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Written c. 7 May 1888 in Arles. Translated by Mrs. Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, edited by Robert Harrison, number 484. URL:
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