Relevant paintings:  "Public Park at Arles," Vincent van Gogh [Enlarge]
My dear Theo,
I have done another size 30 canvas, “An Autumn
Garden,” with two cypresses, bottle green, shaped like
bottles, and three little chestnut trees with tobacco and
orange-coloured leaves. And a little yew tree with pale citron
foliage and a violet trunk, and two little bushes, blood-red
and scarlet purple leaves.
And some sand, some grass, and some blue sky.
And yet I had sworn to myself that I would not work. But it
is like that every day, just accidentally I sometimes come upon
things so lovely that I have to try to do them after all.
Well, the money which you are giving me, and which I keep on
asking for more than ever, I will pay back to you in work, and
not only for the present but for the past as well. But
let me work as long as it is not absolutely impossible.
For it would be so much worse if I did not take advantage of
the opportunities.
Well, if we combined, Gauguin and I also ought to be good
for a nominal capital of 10,000 each.
Once more that squares exactly with what I was telling you,
that I was determined to do 10,000 francs' worth of paintings
for the house. It is odd that though I do not calculate with
figures but with what I feel, I so often come to the same
results, after starting from absolutely divergent points of
view. I do not dare to think, I do not dare to say anything
more of this Seurat combination. First I must try to get to
know Gauguin better. When we have him, we can't lose
Listen to me again. As soon as you can, at once even if it's
possible, I need 10 more meters of canvas at 2.50 fr.
Then big tubes like the flake white and the zinc white.
Zinc white 20 of the biggest tubes
Flake white 10 “ “
Chrome yellow 1. 10 “ “
“ “2. 5 “ “
Prussian blue 5 “ “
Geranium lake 10 medium tubes
Malachite green 10 of the biggest tubes
But I must say that I should be absolutely astonished if we
could not first overcome the existing difficulties of
production, no matter what.
If there's a hitch, we shall have to take counsel as soon as
Gauguin comes, which I am hoping for from one day to the
I think that it may make a nice stir at the exhibition in
'89. It might be more convenient if it didn't make a hit, but
anyway we must really take things as they come. By the way,
have you ever read Les Frères Zemganno, by the de
Goncourt brothers? If not, read it. I might be more daring
perhaps if I had not read it, and even after reading it my only
fear is of asking you for too much money. If I come to grief
myself in the attempt, it would do me no harm. In that case I
have still some resource, for I should either go into business
or I should write. But as long as I am painting, I see nothing
for it but the association of several fellows and a life in
The leaves have begun to fall, you can see the trees turning
yellow, and the yellow increasing every day. It is at least as
beautiful as the orchards in bloom, and as for the work we are
doing, I venture to think that far from losing on it, we shall
make a profit. So much for that.
In any case please send by return mail, and certainly not
later, some more money (50 if possible), or else less. And if
you haven't time to write, please send it by money order,
either more or less, depending on what you can spare.
A good handshake,
Ever yours, Vincent
At this time, Vincent was 35 year oldSource: Vincent van Gogh. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Written c. 22 October 1888 in Arles. Translated by Mrs. Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, edited by Robert Harrison, number 551. URL:
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