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From Reverend Van Gogh to Theo
20 January 1879
We are glad to be able to tell you that Vincent has been
accepted for the evangelization in the Borinage - provisionally
for six months. He gets fifty francs a month - surely not much,
but his boarding house costs him thirty francs. It seems he
works there with success and ambition, and his letters are
really interesting. He devotes himself to that job with all his
heart and an eye for the needs of those people. It is certainly
remarkable what he writes; he went down, for instance, in a
mine, 635 meters.
From Reverend Van Gogh to Theo
12 February 1879
We are beginning to worry about him again. I am afraid he is
wholly absorbed by the care for the sick and the wounded and by
sitting up with them.
[…] He also spoke about a plan of renting a workman's
house and living there alone. We have tried to dissuade him
from it. We are afraid he would not keep it in good shape and
it would again lead to eccentricities.
From Mrs. Van Gogh to Theo
27 February 1879
Verhaegen, a colporteur, to whom Pa also sent his letters in
the beginning, where Vincent had been lovingly received during
the first eight days; he was the one who had found that good
boarding house at Denis.
[…] And now I have to tell you that Pa has gone to
Vincent this week. We were worried about all the bad weather he
had, and especially because while I was away, there had been a
very unpleasant letter from him, confirming what we had already
suspected, that he had no bed, and that there was nobody to
watch his things but far from complaining he said that that was
nobody's concern, etc. We were preparing a parcel for him, but
we both thought that it would be so much better if Pa himself
would take it to him.
Mrs. van Gogh to Theo.
May 1879
Vincent wrote that he would do his best to draw costumes and
Mrs. van Gogh to Theo.
2 July 1879
This week a letter from Vincent; we are always thinking
about him with anxiety; poor boy, shortly after my visit to him
he wrote that he had such a melancholy feeling when we said
goodbye, as if it could have been for the first, but also for
the last time. But now there has been a meeting, but that they
hadn't said anything to him; before, they had always found
fault with him. We have the idea they still want to wait and
see for some time, but if he doesn't suit himself to their
wishes and adopt the behaviour they demand of him, they can't
accept him. He could still achieve so much, if only he knew how
to control himself. Poor boy, what a difficult, unrewarding,
much missing young life, and what is he going to do next?
Reverend van Gogh to Theo.
19 July 1879
You know, don't you? that Vincent's situation in Wasmes does
not become any clearer. They have given him three months to
look for something else. He does not comply with the wishes of
the Committee and it seems that nothing can be done about it.
It is a bitter trial for us. We literally don't know what to
do. There is so much good in him, but he simply doesn't want to
Reverend van Gogh to Theo.
7 August 1879
Last Friday [25 July], Vincent writes, he started on a trip
to Maria Hoorebeeke in Flanders; he arrived there - on foot -
on Sunday afternoon, intending to meet the Reverend Pietersen,
who was in Brussels. Thereupon he went to that city, and he met
him on Monday morning. After consultation with him, he is now
in Cuesmes again, where he has found shelter; he hopes to find
a small room there to stay for the time being. At present his
address is: Chez M. Frank, Evangéliste
à Cuesmes (prés de Mons) au Marais.
In Brussels, he visited the families he had met there earlier -
what impression will he have made?
From Mrs. Van Gogh to Theo
19 August 1879
But now I must tell you something new, which is that
Vincent, after much pressure from our side to visit us at home
because we were worrying so much about him and he had nothing
to do there, suddenly stood before us last Friday [August
15th]. The girls were boating with the Gezink
family, and all at once we hear, “Hello father, hello
mother,” and there he was.
From Reverend Van Gogh to Theo
11 March 1880
Vincent is still here - but alas! it is nothing but worry.
Now he is talking about going to London in order to speak with
the Reverend Jones. If he sticks to that plan, I'll enable him
to go, but it is hopeless.
From Reverend Van Gogh to Theo
5 July 1880
Indeed that letter Vincent wrote to you gave me some
pleasure. But oh! What will become of him, and isn't it insane
to choose a life of poverty and let time pass by without
looking for an occasion of earning one's own bread - yes, that
really is insane. But we have to put up with it. None of all
the things we tried has helped in any way. Maybe you should
write back to him; in the last days of June I sent him 60
francs, which he acknowledged; some time later we sent him some
clothes. Thinking of him always hurts, and we do think so
continuously of him.
[Lines added by Mrs. Van Gogh] We can agree with what you
write about Vincent, but if reading books gives such practical
results, can it then be called right? And for the rest, what
kind of ideas his reading gives him. He sent us a book by
Victor Hugo, but that man takes the side of the criminals and
doesn't call bad what really is bad. What would the world look
like if one calls the evil good? Even with the best of
intentions that cannot be accepted. Did you answer him? If not,
do so in any case; we were so glad that he thought of you, and
we were so sad that he didn't want to have anything to do with
anybody when he was here. We haven't heard from him for a long
time now and shall write to him again.
At this time, Vincent was 26 year oldSource: His Parents. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Written 1879 in Zundert. Translated by Robert Harrison, edited by Robert Harrison, number . URL: https://www.webexhibits.org/vangogh/letter/8/etc-fam-1879.htm.
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