Vinland Map:
Authentication of art:
GENERAL BOOKS (Teachers and Advanced Students)

Batey, Coleen, et al. Cultural Atlas of the Vikings World. 1994. Facts on File.*

Byock, Jesse L. Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power. 1988. Univ. of California Press.

Dubois, Thomas. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age. 1999. Univ. of Pennsylvania Press.

Fitzhugh, William and Ward, Elisabeth. Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga. 2000. Smithsonian Press. [The catalogue for the exhibit].*

Foote, Peter and Wilson, D. N. The Viking Achievement. 2nd. Ed. 1980. Sidgewick & Jackson.

Hayword, John. The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings. 1995. Penguin Books.*

Hayword, John. The Vikings: Sutton Pocket Histories. 1999. Sutton Publishing, U.K. [brief]

Hayword, John. Encyclopedia of the Viking Age. 2000. Thames and Hudson.

Heath, Ian. Illustrator: Angus McBride. The Vikings. Osprey Military Series. Osprey. 1985. *

Jochens, Jenny. Women in Old Norse Society. 1996. Cornell Univ. Press.

Jones, Gwyn. A History of the Vikings. (1984). Oxford University Press.

Jones, Gwyn. The Norse Atlantic Saga. 1986. Oxford University Press.

Roesdahl, Else. The Vikings, Revised Edition. Penguin. 1987, 1998 (translation from Danish).
[Excellent book that provides a view of the people, society and culture in addition to the history of the Vikings.]

Roesdahl, Else and Wilson, David M. From Viking to Crusader: Scandinavia and Europe 800 - 1200. 1992. Nordic Council of Ministers. [Exhibition catalog].*

Sawyer, Peter (ed.). The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings. Oxford University Press. 1997.*

Smith, A.G. Story of the Vikings. 1988. Dover Coloring Book. [For youth and adults, an accurate look at the Vikings and their life; detailed drawings]*

Time-Life Books (Editors of). What Life Was Life When Longships Sailed: Vikings AD 800 - 1100. 1998. Time-Life Books, Arlington, Va.*

Time-Life Books. The Fury of the Northmen: Time Frame AD 800 - 1000. 1988. Time Life Books.

Time-Life Books. Vikings: Raiders From the North. 1993. Lost Civilizations Series. Time-Life Books. *

Wernick, Robert and the Editors of Time-Life Books. 1979. The Vikings: The Seafarer Series. Time-Life Books.

Wilson, David M. The Vikings and Their Origins: Scandinavia in the First Millennium. 1970, 1989 Thames & Hudson. *


McIntosh, Jane. The Practical Archaeologist: How We Know What We Know About the Past, Revised Edition. 1999. Facts on File. [Older students].

Place, Robin. Clues from the Past. 1993. Wayland Press. [Elementary students].

YOUNG PEOPLE (All of these have good illustrations)

Chisholm, Jane and Reid, Struan. Who were the Vikings? 1995. Usbourne Starting Point History. Usbourne. [Calls all the Norse or Scandinavians "Vikings" but otherwise good.]

Clare, John. Living History: The Vikings. Gulliver Books, Harcourt Brace Jovanvich. 1992.

Evans, Cheryl and Millard, Anne. Usbourne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends. Usbourne.

Grant, Neil. Spotlights on the Vikings. 1998. Oxford University Press. [Calls all Old Scandinavians or Norse "Vikings," otherwise good.]

Hayword, John. The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings. 1995. Penguin Books.

MacDonald, Fiona. Vikings. Insights books. 1993. Barron's Educational Services.

Millard, Dr. Anne. Eric the Red: The Vikings Sail The Atlantic (Beyond the Horizons). 1994. Raintree/Steck Vaughan. (ages 9-12).

Morley, Jacqueline. How Would You Survive as a Viking? 1995. Franklin Watts (Grolier).

Smith, A.G. Story of the Vikings. 1988. Dover Coloring Book. [For youth and adults, an accurate look at the Vikings and their life; very beautiful and detailed drawing which don't necessarily need coloring.]

Time-Life Books (Editors of). Vikings: Raiders From The North. Lost Civilizations. 1993. Time-Life Books, Arlington, Va.

Time-Life Books (Editors of). What Life Was Life When Longships Sailed: Vikings AD 800 - 1100. 1998. Time-Life Books, Arlington, Va.

Wilson, David M. The Vikings Activity Book. 1987. British Museum. [excellent book, good information and drawings]

Wingate, Phillipa. The Viking World. Usbourne Illustrated World History. 1993. Usbourne.

Activity Books

Wilson, David M. The Vikings Activity Book. 1987. British Museum .Press.

Make This Viking Settlement. Usbourne Cut-Out Models. 1988. Usbourne.

Make Your Own Viking Ship. British Museum Cut Out Model. 1986. British Museum Press.v

Viking Literature

Jonasson, Björn, translator. The Sayings of the Vikings: Hávamál. 1992. Gudrun Press.


Asbjornsen, Peter C. Norwegian Folktales From the Collection of Peter Christian Asbjrnson. 1982. Pantheon. (ages 9-12)

Blair, Susan et al. Three Billy Goats Gruff: A Norwegian Folktale. (Easy-to-Read Folktales Series). 1987. Scholastic Trade Books. (ages 4-8.)

Galdone, Paul. The Three Billy Goats Gruff. 1981. Houghton Mifflin. (ages 4-8.)

Modern Scandinavia

Cultures of World: Denmark. ? Marshall Cavendish.

Cultures of World: Norway. 1995. Marshall Cavendish.

Cultures of the World: Sweden. 1992. Marshall Cavendish.

Kagda, Sakina and Steiner, Rodolf. Norway (Cultures of the World Series). 1996. Benchmark Books. (ages 9-12).

Landau, Elaine. Norway. (True Books-Geography; Countries Series). 2000. True Books. (ages 4-8).

SAGAS AND OTHER NORSE LITERATURE (for adults and older student)

Byock, Jesse L. The Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer. 1990. Univ. of California Press.

Byock, Jesse L. The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki. 1999. Penguin.

Crossley-Holland, Kevin. The Norse Myths: Introduced and retold by Kevin Crossley-Holland. 1980. Pantheon (Random).

Faukes, Anthony, translator. Edda by Snorri Sturluson. A New Complete Translation. 1987. Dent Press (UK).

Hollander, Lee M, translator. Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway. 1991. University of Texas Press.

Hollander, Lee M, translator. The Saga of the Jomsvikings. 1989. University of Texas Press.

Jónasson, Björn (translator). The Sayings of the Vikings (In a New and Readable Translation). [The Hávamál] 1992. Gudrun Press. (Iceland).

Kristjánsson, J. (Foote, P. translator) Eddas and Sagas: Iceland's Medieval Literature. Reykjavík.

Larrington, C., translator. Poetic Eddas. 1996. Oxford University Press.

Magnusson, Magnus. Lyxdaela Saga. 1969. Viking.

Magnusson, Magnus and Pálsson, H., translators. King Harald's Saga: Harald Hardradi of Norway. 1966. Penguin.

Magnusson, Magnus and Pálsson, H., translators. Njal's Saga. 1960. Penguin.

Magnusson, Magnus and Pálsson, H., translators. Vinland Sagas. 1965. Penguin.

Page, R. I. Chronicles of the Vikings: Records, Memorials and Myths. 1995. Univ. of Toronto Press. [Viking history in their own words].

Pálsson, H. and P. Edwards, translators. Egil's Saga. 1977. Penguin.

Pálsson, H. and P. Edwards, translators. Erbyggia Saga. 1989. Penguin

Pálsson, Herman. Hranfnkel's Saga and Icelandic Stories. 1971. Penguin Classics.

Pálsson,, Herman. Seven Viking Romances. 1986. Penguin.

Smiley, Jane (Introduction). The Sagas of the Icelanders. 2000. Viking Press.

Time-Life Books. Sagas of the Northmen: Viking and German Myth. 1997. Time-Life. [Very shortened retelling of myths and some sagas. Beware that many of the stylized color illustrations are very modern and done for the book.]

Turville-Petre, E, O. G. Scaldic Poetry. 1976. Oxford.

Young, Jean (translator). Prose Edda for Snorri Sturleson: Tales From Norse Mythology. 1964. University of California Press.


Cultures of World: Denmark. ? Marshall Cavendish.

Cultures of World: Norway. 1995. Marshall Cavendish.

Cultures of the World: Sweden. 1992. Marshall Cavendish.
Derry, T. K. A History of Scandinavia: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. 1979. Univ. of Minnesota Press.

Kagda, Sakina and Steiner, Rodolf. Norway (Cultures of the World Series). 1996. Benchmark Books. [Young people, ages 9-12].

Landau, Elaine. Norway. (True Books-Geography; Countries Series). 2000. True Books. [Young people, ages 4-8].

Su-Dale, Elizabeth. Culture Shock: Norway. 1994. Graphic Arts Center Publications.

Zickgraf, Ralph. Norway (Major World Nations Series). 1997. Chelsea House. [Young peoples, ages 12-18].


Clark, Joan. Eiriksdottir. 1995. Penguin. [Story is based on Viking life as revealed in the L'Anse aux Meadows excavations and the sagas.]

Dunnett, Dorothy. King Hereafter. 1982. Vintage (Random House). [The story of the historical MacBeth a.k.a. Thorfinn by one of the very best historical novelists in the world. Very excellent and accurate research and a gripping story.]

Lindbergh, Judith. [2000?]. Bibrau's Saga. [the story of three Norse women in the first settlement in Greenland in 985 A.D.]

Schledermann, Peter. Raven's Saga: An Arctic Odyssey. 2000. Corvus Press. Calgary, Alberta. [Archaeologist Peter Schledermann tells a story of the encounter of a Norseman seeking to know more about the skaerlings, in this case Thule Eskimos?]

Smiley, Jane. The Greenlanders. 1988. Ivy (Ballantine), pbk; Knopf, hc. [A true epic based on much research and a year in Iceland, this is written in the simple direct style of the sagas.]
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